Wednesday 2 January 2019

Suicide Watch

This is the way you were made. These are the facts of your situation. It’s bad. In fact, it’s so bad, it’s impossible to do anything about it. And therefore you are free from any responsibility to clean it up. Nobody can blame you for anything. 


 that’s the easy way out, and besides whose going to clean up your grubby corpse. 
Fuck, so I’m stuck here then? 

IMITATION is Suicide
Worst of all you’re stuck here with me. So either its carry on our days laboring away at the mundane so called “adventures” of the peasant minded folk or alternatively you’ll fasten your seat-belt hold tight and I’ll steer you into an irrational reality where up is down and left is circular 
And  right promises you’ll boomerang back into an abyss with a dictionary in your hands and life ultimately never leads to death

Death is but a man made conception to rationalize that what only consists in the realm of the G-d’s 

But seeing is believing right?

NO, I choose to see but I shall never believe that what has been put in front of me. For man can  only curate but never create (Google it if your mind is too feeble to understand)

So don’t do drugs 
Don’t drink and drive  but…    do mankind a favor

and for once in your life    THINK!


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